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chessproking,give me a seed go to woodland mansion

its 156745632 im totaly telling the truth (im not)

ok thx

Sry, Woodland mansions don't always spawn in certain seeds

theres a glitch in skyblock

randomly it cycles through all the phases and spawns a buch of mobs

When does this happen to you?

u talking to me?

because if so it just randomly happens

Hmm, idk why that happens to you. That never happened to me before 

ohhhhhhhhhhh,yes i remember it, me to sawed this glitch

how do u put the disc in the jukebox 

also add fire aspect


I had to remove the Jukebox functionality as it took waay too much space. 

can u make it so u can put 3 enchants in one item like in real mc 

also make it so ur able to enchant iron wooden and gold tools aswell

great game btw 

Maybe. Thanks!

In the end phase i cannot collect any items in the chests

This is in oneblock

I see, will be fixing that :)

Please fix the raid!

And again very nice game!!!!

yea fix it plssss, and OP version

What is wrong with the Raid?

The bug is when we triger a raid then it spawns somthing weird  like thing which sounds like breaking a grass block!


V.28 IS OUT NOW! See the changelog here -

Can you fix it? I tried to download v28 but it says "page not found" .

Is it fixed now?


yeah thx

In fact I admit I have quite a few maps so if you want me to give them to you you just have to ask me.

yes can you give me a escape game map ỏ sky block map

Yes i can i just need to refind them

are you found it to send me sky block map

Yay One LUCKY block : 123100359426726222051246801068304876830487427040010018291171717171717171717171717171717171717171717171717171717171717171717171717171717171717171717171717171717171717171717171717171717171717171717171717171717171717171717171717171717171717170171579471817170181518192123251625201721252415181825232316252017212524017017121917191717181718171717170170171212132396813628227512402614609922751339861460992385133986177686310051000261776862-1510002617768631005100026177686315451000261776862-15100026936056145126776921875310551169269218752-151169269218752-1511692658411531035124020171010004017100180170171518192123253202246394548000102263522420303522420303522420301021012296683048701232003128103200031992800051186632680031321022800102660010140010273001034923567010512532330132025130682271037192643719264371926437192643719264371926437192643719264371926437192643719264371926437192643719264371926437192643719264371926437192643719264371926437192643719264371926437192643719264371926410340212101242552683028901332003128103398001031980121031873783151016012103185378312378415378312101401210318537830378403744037850374403785123784037830101401210318437830378403785037440013374412378403783010130121031843783037840378504118200143744037840378301013012103184378303784037850374200143744037840378301013012103184378303784037850374400123742037440378503784037830101301210318537830378403744133785037440378403783010140121031054122823210248378312378415378312101401210310541228219412292124122801025037831510160121029141228214412531841228224102610121029141229212384312412800016412530384313412530372504123003725041253216412280102610121029141228211384312412800019212001341590001838431501438430102610121028641229215384312412800022341228124149804122812014412300102610121028641228214384312412800022441228150144149801026101210286412291541253131304125316412800019412651302133843041228133843001441228010261012102494122824141253041280000384301803843002163354002164157100164122801026101210249412292404125304128000131800194122804149804122812014335400164122804149804122812414980412280021141229010261012102494122823941253041280001221001903100019021000164122801013412280013384313015412280101441228002114122801026101210248412280412532313305041230033050412531541280001321001903100019021000144122813101341228002114122801014412280414980412281241498041228124149804122812414980412281210261012102484128904157400124127903843220412800012415050014415460002190019210031000190015414980101541228124149804122813414981241228134149804122801027801210248412300014412790384321841280001341504001621900192100310002100015412290102960121024841498001541279038432164128000144128900162190021741228010296012102484122800164127904125321441280001541228124149804122814219001341229041228041498041229041228041229041498041229041228134122904149804122904122801029601210248412280022741229041253162190013412280103110012102484122800227414980212001441529021900134149801031100121024841228002274122900154152802190013412290103110012102484122813414980412281341498041228134149804122813414980412281241498041228124149804122813414980412281301541289021900134122801031100121027641228041269162190013412280103110012102764122804157400134150500154122901031100121027641228001441504001541498010311001210276414980014412890015412280103110012102764122812414980412281241498041228124149804122813103110012103198012103198012103198012103198012103198012103198012103198012103198012103198012103198012103198012103198012103198012103198012103198012103198012103198012103198012103198012103198012103198012103198012103198012103198012103198012103198012105132003301332443115227218538366747701367366786770830145808085100316803379151003765183168032471232470101231311932731210153379210376521335601335601533791431111231311531311610028523245678227218538366747701367366786770830145808085285239316801013356016311112101328525610010010028524733791731111231680338014311101003273121003380163111121001001034021210123579683068501332003128103199012103198012103198012103198012103198012241010319701210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210319801210513398330131375127812272195186747970690149808385667701367370848537113332101431010334315310112101333441510032480101235741310153343161002841228413284131034021210


Can you send them?

Here ???

In the Scratch forums -

(1 edit)


Add particles and add a exit game button

@ChessProking i have a escape game map if you want 

(1 edit)

Sure! Please post it here -


What all bugs happen to you in Oneblock? Please say what is the bug and when it happens. I can hopefully fix them :)

Deleted post


add the ability to download in html and zip

(1 edit)

hey, chessProKing I am not able to download the block game version from Google Drive when I open it after downloading then it does not show the one-block option! plas fix the bug!

Is it fixed now?

I think so!!

Deleted post

What is the bug?

(2 edits)

The bug is when we die on one block then we respawn on the bedrock!!! anyways nice game:) 

In One Block there is a bug where the blocks start glitching, break on their own, and spawn many mobs.

It is a bonus block which do it so there no bug in it the bug was when we die then we respans on the bedrock!!

plsssssss fix a oneblock

What is wrong with it?

WHEN I WENT AWAY OUT OF 2 BLOCK of the infinity block

In One Block there is a bug where the blocks start glitching, break on their own, and spawn many mobs.

In One Block there is a bug where the blocks start glitching, break on their own, and spawn many mobs. I Can't even mine the oneblock and it lags. Can you fix it?

yes plss fix it

When does it happen to you?


im pro in develop

i can help you the development???


ok thx

but before give me the link to developing




you have to go in the return end portal 


usually it may be a little bit underground 

How to get the v27 map back when the game has been updated to v28 PLLS  ANSWER ME CHESSPROKING

what do you mean by map?


just load the world into v.28 

chessproking,can you add multiplayer in the next update?


Sry, I can’t because multiplayer scratch games have to be in scratch 

oh ok


my feedback: this update is good enough

(1 edit)

Thx for giving your feedback 

No Need

How do you get back to the overworld from the end? W game by the way :)

Deleted 237 days ago

you need to write "give end portal frame" 4 times, and write once"give ender pearl" 2 times, after write "give blaze rod ' 1 times

finally,chessproking,i know it, you are a bigger truther :)



you added "fire aspect"??

please write when version 28 is ready.

one block error when I go out of range of the infinity block, monsters appear very quickly and in large numbers causing my computer to lag 


Deleted post
(1 edit) (+1)

 me too

I can give you textures. for example, squatting. please contact

Sure :)

Should I send you some mob animations?

I guess. Thanks!

Can you add sticky piston

yea pls

nooooooooooooo i Armor Trims don't work

How to get the v27 map back when the game has been updated to v28

Just load your worlds that you saved in the 'Load Game'

pls tell me a seed spown at the chunk has a trial chember

137118 (Go to X:114 Y:14)

How to get the v27 map back when the game has been updated to v28

and a village

V.28 BETA is out now!! Please try and give feedback!

Adding BIG features like Sneaking and Oneblock, as well as multiple smaller features!


its fantastic best game


one block has a bug 

What is the bug?

there are lots of bugs in oneblock

What is the bug?


when i break blocks, it dropped down the void

I see, will be fixing that :)

Deleted post

pls chessproking add more trades for villagers

Maybe next update 


and let the warding trader give more good items pls

How to shorten save code?

Idk if you could. Sry

pls add oneblock

I am next update :)

why you don't given me the moderator in discord???


not you 

ChessProKing,im about arcadianX

How to post save codes in forum(I tried following the forum already)? 乁( •_• )ㄏ

You must create a program to post a save code


Go to post your save code, and  select any world you like (paste its number).

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